Supreme Court of New South Wales

Court sittings

Information alert
General information

The 2025 Court term commenced on Monday, 3rd February 2025 and will conclude on Friday, 19th December 2025.

Court Vacation will commence on Monday, 22nd December 2025 and will conclude on Friday, 30th January 2026.

Note that Civil and Criminal trials / hearings  will be held in places other than Sydney as and when the need arises and where the Court makes an order for the trial / hearing to be held at a venue other than Sydney.

Court of Appeal

Particulars Sittings
Motions generally Monday at 9:00 am
​Summ​​​ons for leave to appeal (directions) Monday at 2:30 pm
Notice of Appeal (directions) callovers Wednesday at 9:00 am
Summons (directions)

​Monday at 9:45 am


Court of Criminal Appeal

Particulars Sitting






​Sits every week.

Generally hears matters Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Check current Court of Criminal Appeal hearing and callover dates:


Callover before Acting Registrar Clayton held each Thursday at 9:00 am

Common Law Division


​Urgent applications before the Duty Judge

​Every day by arrangement with the Duty Judge's Associate.

Information about the current Duty Judge can be found on the courtlists page at

​Subpoenas, all Lists

​Monday to Friday at 9.00 am

Administrative and Industrial Law List​

​Directions, Registrar Hedge

​​Monday to Friday at 9:00 am

​​Urgent applications before the List Judge,    Justice Wright

or, if not available,

to the Common Law Duty Judge

Every day by arrangement with the Judge's Associate​

Arraignment List Dates (Criminal List): 

The Arraignment List is conducted before the Criminal List Judge, Justice Hamill.

His Honour directs that the Arraignment List be heard with physical in court appearances by practitioners (or any persons required to appear in accordance with their bail conditions). Those persons in custody will appear, if required, via AVL only, unless otherwise directed. Practitioners may seek to appear via AVL and are to contact the Chambers of the List Judge via Judge's Associate​. Please note that the dial-in details will be issued to the parties by Justice Hamill's Tipstaff by close of business the day prior to the list date.

The List dates are as follows:

January 2025 No List conducted in January  
February  14.02.2025  
March 07.03.2025  
April 04.04.2025  
May 02.05.2025  
June 06.06.2025  
July 04.07.2025  
August 01.08.2025  
September 05.09.2025  
October 03.10.2025  
November 07.11.2025  
December 12.12.2025  
January 2026 No List conducted in January  


​Bails List

​Bails Judge

​Monday to Friday at 10:00 am

  Bails Callover before Acting Registrar Clayton each Friday (except public holidays) at 9:00am

Defamation List

​Motions and Arguments before the List Judge,

Justice TBA


The following Friday dates at 9:30 am

2025 dates to be confirmed



* Practitioners and litigants should check the Court List after 3.30 pm each Thursday before the List as listing times may change.

General Case Management List

​Directions hearings, Registrar Hedge.

Urgent referrals to the Duty Judge for listed matters may be sought at the beginning of the List each day.

​Monday to Friday at 9:00 am

Cases ready for allocation of a long hearing date may be referred to Justice Chen through a status review listing.



High Risk Offenders List Directions Hearing before List Judge, Justice Yehia

Thursday at 9:30 am

By arrangements with the List Judge's Associate​

Possession List

​Notices of motion, directions hearings & show cause conferences, Registrar Hedge

​Monday to Friday at 9:00 am

​Directions, Judge:
List Judge, Justice Faulkner

​By arrangement with the Registrar

Professional Negligence List

Directions Hearings /​Motions

List Judge, Justice Cavanagh

​Every day at 9:00am before Registrar Hedge with matters ready for hearing or requiring Judicial Case Managment to be listed before List Judge usually on first Friday of each month or as otherwise directed.

​Equity Division

Court/List ​​Particulars ​​Sittings  

​General List

​Urgent applications before the Duty Judge

​Every day by arrangement with the Duty Judge's Associate

Information about the current Duty Judge can be found on the courtlists page at



​Referrals to the Duty Judge (called over by the Registrar)

​Monday to Thursday* at 10:00 am

*Urgent matters may be listed on Friday after consultation with the Registrar


​Other directions and motions, Registrar Walton

​Monday to Thursday* at 9:30 am

*Urgent matters may be listed on Friday after consultation with the Registrar


​Subpoenas, all Lists

​Monday to Friday at 9:00 am


Admiralty List

​Applications for directions before List Judge, Justice Slattery

​Thursday at 9:30 am


​Applications for motions
Justice Slattery

​Thursday at 9:30 am


​Adoptions List

​Applications before the List Judge, Justice McGrath

​By arrangements with the Adoptions List Judge's Associate​


Commercial List

​Urgent applications before the Commercial List Duty Judge

​Every day by arrangement with the Duty Judge's Associate​


​Applications for directions
Justice Stevenson

​Friday at 10:00 am


​Applications for motions
Justice Stevenson

​Friday at 9:15 am


Commercial Arbitration List

​Callover by the List Judge of all applications
Justice Stevenson

​2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am, or such earlier time as the nature of the case requires


Corporations List

​Urgent applications before the List Judge, Justice Black

​Every day by arrangement with the List Judge's Associate​


​Corporations matters, List Judge,​
​Justice Black

​Monday at 10:00 am


​Corporations List interlocutory matters, List Judge,
Justice Black

​Monday at 9:15 am


​Proceedings relating to corporations, Registrar Walton

Monday to Thursday* at 9:00 am

*Urgent matters may be listed on Friday after consultation with Registrar​ Walton


​Available dates for examinations in the Corporations List

​See examination dates before a Registrar below  
Expedition List (Equity)
Motion before the Expedition Judge:
Justice Parker

Friday at 9:30 am 


Probate and Family Provision List



Motions and directions before Registrar Gerritsen

​Tuesday at 9.00 am

Practitioners and litigants should check the Court List after 3:30 pm each Wednesday before the List as listing times and Courtroom location are subject to change.

Referrals to a Judge, for listed matters may be sought at the beginning of the List .

As well, a judge will ordinarily be available for the Registrar to refer matters to be dealt with on Fridays.     


Probate and Family Provision List

(Family Provision)

​Motions and directions before Registrar Gerritsen


Thursday at 9.00 am

Practitioners and litigants should check the Court List after 3:30 pm each Wednesday before the List as listing times and Courtroom location are subject to change.

Referrals to a Judge, for listed matters may be sought at the beginning of the List.

As well, a judge will ordinarily be available for the Registrar to refer matters to be dealt with on Fridays.


​Protective List

​Applications before the List Judge,
Justice Lindsay

​Monday at 10:00 am


​Applications before  Registrar Walton  (all Protected Estates Act applications)

​Monday at 10:00 am  

Real Property List


​​Before the List Judge,
Justice Pike

​*Friday at 9.15 am - Motions and Directions are generally listed commencing at 9.15 am every Friday.

Practitioners and litigants should check the Court List after 3:30 pm each Thursday before the List as listing times are subject to change.

No Lists on - TBA:


​Revenue List

​Applications before the List Judge, 
Justice Hmelnitsky

Thursday at 9:30 am​

Contact Associate


Technology & Construction List

​Applications for directions before the List Judge, Justice Stevenson

​Friday at 10:00 am

No List on:  17 May 2024



​Applications for motions before the List Judge, Justice Stevenson

​Friday at 9:15 am


Examinations will commence at 11:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm. The total time for each listing is 4 hours per day.

Includes examinations conducted under:

·       Corporations Act 2001

·       Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Act 1989

·       Evidence on Commission Act 1995

·       Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (Parts 24 and 38)

Available dates (as at 31 January 2025)

  • 10-14 March, 31 March-4 April, and thereafter from 11 April 2025
Last updated:

04 Feb 2025

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