Supreme Court of New South Wales

Navy Training Class Action

​Parties: Searle v Commonwealth of Australia
Original Proceedings Number:
  1. 2016/45027
Court of Appeal Proceedings Numbers:
  1. 2018/227274
  2. 2019/66325
Next Listing date(s):
  1. Directions before Justice Garling on 13 September 2024.

Statement of Claim (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Amended Statement of Claim (PDF, 1.2 MB)
​Further Amended State​ment of Claim (PDF, 526.2 KB)​​

Defence to Further Amended Statement of Claim (PDF, 201.9 KB)

​Notice of Motion (D) (PDF, 182.9 KB)
Notice of Motion (P) (PDF, n/a)

Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (PDF, 1.6 MB)


​Defence to Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (PDF, 259.2 KB)

Notice of Motion (P) (PDF, 419.9 KB)
​Notice of Intention to Appeal (P) (PDF, 91.2 KB)
Summons Seeking Leave to Appeal (P) (PDF, 54.6 KB)
Notice of Motion (D) (PDF, 98.8 KB)
​Notice of Motion in Appeal (P) (PDF, 115.2 KB)
Summons Seeking Leave to Appeal (D) (PDF, n/a)
​Notice of Motion (P) (PDF, 351.4 KB)
Notice of Motion (P) (PDF, 127.2 KB)
​Judgment [2022] NSWSC 119
​Notice of Motion (D) (PDF, 18.2 KB)
Orders (PDF, 506.3 KB) ​24/08/23
12 Orders (PDF, 94.6 KB) 09/04/24


Last updated:

24 May 2024

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