Supreme Court of New South Wales

Equity Division

The Equity Division hears equity, probate, commercial, admiralty, and protective matters.

The Equity Division hears civil cases in a number of different areas. The Chief Judge in Equity is responsible for the administration of the Equity Division generally. The work of the Division is administered through specialist Lists. The Judges who usually hear cases in the Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, and Technology and Construction Lists are Justice Ball and Justice Stevenson. The Judges who usually hear cases in the Corporations List are Justice Black,Justice David Hammerschlag, Chief Judge in Equity and Justice Williams.

A Registrar in Equity and Corporations Registrar conducts case management of proceedings across the Division and hears applications within her delegation. The Registrar is assisted by the Senior Deputy Registrars and the Deputy Registrars. There is also a Registrar in Probate who conducts case management of proceedings in the Probate List and hears applications within her delegation.

The nature of the work in each of the Lists is described in the Practice Notes.


The following table identifies the Lists, the List Judges presently administering the Lists and the Practice Notes that govern the operation of the Lists.

​Lists Practice Note List Judges
General Equity

Chief Judge in Equity

Registrar in Equity

Duty Judge SC Eq 8 Equity Judges rostered for 2 week duration
Admiralty SC Eq 2 Slattery J
Adoptions SC Eq 13 Stevenson J

SC Eq 4

SC Eq 6

Black J

Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, Technology & Construction

SC Eq 3

SC Eq 9

Ball J
Expedition SC Eq 8 Rees J
Lindsay J
Succession & Probate List (Family Provision) SC Eq 7 Kunc J
​Succession & Probate List (Probate)
​SC Eq 7
​Slattery J
Real Property SC Eq 12 Peden J
Revenue SC Eq 10 Hmelnitsky J
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