Supreme Court of New South Wales

Representing yourself in civil proceedings

Warning alert
Non​​e of the information set out in this section should be interpreted as:
  • ​a substitute for legal advice

  • a substitute for legislative requirements or court rules

  • specifically relevant to probate applications

  • applicable to criminal proceedings.

Information alert
Self-represented Litigants Fact Sheet

The law is complicated, it is generally better for people who are involved in a court case to have a lawyer (a solicitor or barrister). But not everyone does. This fact sheet explains the Court’s most important rules and procedures which must be followed by everyone, whether or not they have a lawyer. 

Self-represented litigants

Everyone has the right to have their legal dispute resolved by a court or tribunal. Because the law is complicated, it is generally better for people who are involved in a court case to have a lawyer (a solicitor or barrister). But not everyone does.

The term "self-re​presented litigant" is often applied to people who decide to run their own court proceedings without a legal representative.

This se​​ction of the website is specifically aimed at assisting:

  • ​​self-represented litigan​ts currently involved in ongoing civil pro​ceedings

  • people consid​​ering commencing new proceedings at the Supreme Court without legal representation

  • people who currently have a lawyer in an ongoing civil case but are investigating the possibility o​​​f representing themselves in the future.

The aim of the content​​ presented here is to help people:

  • ​​​​understand the Court's most important rules and procedures which must be followed by everyone, whether or not they have a lawyer

  • locate court rules relevant to civil proceedings, and other helpful resources, easily and quickly.

Is the Supreme Court the right place to start your case?
Where to go, what to bring, what to say and do
Rules, forms and how to visit the Registry
Filing documents, attending hearings
Judgments, costs and more
The importance of courtesy
Last updated:

18 Sep 2024

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