Supreme Court of New South Wales

Extract from the Third Charter of Justice

“NOW KNOW YE that we upon full consideration of the premises and of our especial grace certain knowledge and mere motion have in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament thought fit to grant direct ordain and appoint and by these presents do accordingly for us our heirs and successors grant direct ordain and appoint that there shall be within that part of our Colony of New South Wales situate in the Island of New Holland a Court which shall be called a Supreme Court of New South Wales and we do hereby create direct and constitute the said Supreme Court of New South Wales to be a Court of Record. AND WE DO further will ordain and appoint that the said Supreme Court of New South Wales shall consist of and be holden by and before one Judge who shall be and be called the Supreme Justice of the Supreme Court of New South Wales which Chief Justice shall be a Barrister in England or Ireland of not less than five years standing...

AND WE DO hereby constitute and appoint our Trusty and wellbeloved Francis Forbes Esquire to be the first Chief Justice of the said Supreme Court of New South Wales the said Francis Forbes being a Barrister in England of five years standing and upwards AND WE DO hereby ordain appoint and declare that there shall be and belong to the said Court the following Officers that is to say a Registrar a Prothonotory a Master and a Keeper of Records and such and so many other Officers as to the Chief Justice of the said Court for the time being shall from time to time appear to be necessary for the administration of Justice and the due execution of all the Powers and Authorities which are granted and committed to the said Court by these our Letters Patent”.

Last updated:

19 May 2024

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