Supreme Court of New South Wales

Extract from the Sydney Gazette, 20 May 1824

The formal Promulgation of HIS MAJESTY’S New Charter of Justice, took place at noon, on Monday last, at the Government-house, Sydney, pursuant to the Proclamation of HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR in CHIEF, in that respect. On the gratifying occasion—an event so auspicious to the interests of His Majesty’s Colony of New South Wales—the distinguished REPRESENTATIVE of Our beloved SOVEREIGN was attended by the Honorable the Chief Justice (FRANCIS FORBES, Esquire); the Honorable the Judge Advocate; the Colonial Secretary, Treasurer, and Attorney General, the Commanding Officer of the Forces; together with the Clergy, the Magistrates and other Civil, as well as the Military Officers of the Colony. At the conclusion of the reading of the Charter, the State Oaths, as well as the solemn and impressive Oath of the Judicial Office, were administered to the CHIEF JUSTICE by the GOVERNOR. HIS EXCELLENCY then congratulated the CHIEF JUSTICE upon His high and important Appointment, and was pleased to advert, with considerable satisfaction, to the gracious increase of privileges bestowed by the Mother Country upon her distant and rising Colonies in the Southern World. The Battery at Dawes’ Point fired a Royal Salute on the occasion. 

SUPREME COURT.—At two o’clock, on Monday, this Court opened. At a quarter past two, His Honor the CHIEF JUSTICE took His Seat on the Bench, accompanied by the Members, WILLIAM WEMYSS and EDWARD RILEY, Esquires. Upon the conclusion of the reading of the Charter of Justice by Mr. Joshua John Moore, His Honor addressed himself to the Attorney General (SAXE BANNISTER, Esquire); whose Commission was then read, and the oath of office administered to that Gentleman.

Mr. Joshua John Moore was sworn into office, as the Prothonotary of the Court; and, Mr. John Gurner, as the Registrar of the Court. His Honor the CHIEF JUSTICE then informed those Gentlemen, who had practised as Solicitors in the former Courts, that the Court would be ready to receive applications, accompanied by such credentials as they might be prepared to submit for admission to practise in the Supreme Court, on Wednesday morning, at ten o’clock; to which time His Honor directed the Court to be adjourned. 

We need hardly say, that the auditory, upon this occasion, was the most respectable, distinguished, and crowded that has been witnessed for years. The inhabitants seemed to awaken, as it were, to the valuable extension of immunities, so graciously conferred by Parliament, and approved and confirmed by His Majesty. 

At three in the afternoon the Charter was proclaimed in the Market-place, by EDWARD RILEY, Esq. J P.  in the absence of the Provost Marshal of the Territory (JOHN THOMAS CAMPBELL, Esq.) confined to his residence by indisposition. The Police Authorities attended, and the crowd was pretty numerous.

HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR entertained His Honor the CHIEF JUSTICE, the late JUDGE ADVOCATE, and all the Heads of the various Public Departments, at Dinner, at the Government-house, Sydney, on Monday evening—in honor of a day, that will long be remembered by the grateful inhabitants of AUSTRALASIA.

Last updated:

16 May 2024

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