Supreme Court of New South Wales

Contact us

GPO Box 3, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia

General enquiries 1300 679 272*

*If dialling from an international number, the contact number is +612 8831 4500

Approved Registry Court Vacation Arrangements

  • Court vacation commences on Monday, 23 December 2024 and concludes Friday, 31 January 2025.
  • The New Court Term will commence on Monday, 3 February 2025.
  • During the court vacation, the Registry will operate from 10.00am to 4.00pm with reduced staff.
  • The Registry will be closed on all Public Holidays and 27 December 2024.
  • Normal Registry hours will resume on Monday, 3 February 2025.

Vacation Subpoena List Dates Urgent matters

10.00am on 14, 15 January 2025

10.00am on 21, 22 January 2025

10.00am on 28 to 31 January 2025

The Judicial Commission of New South Wales hears complaints about judges in NSW
Judicial officers with the power to determine urgent applications
Chambers phone and email addresses
Resources for open justice
Including A/Principal Registrar, A/Prothonotary and Duty Registrar

Registry contacts

Information alert

If you need to email a specific judicial officer or registrar about an upcoming hearing, please visit the Judicial Officer and Registrar contact details pages. For enquiries about accessibility, contact General Enquiries on 1300 679 272. For after hours enquiries (urgent only) contact (02) 9230 8025.


Court of Appeal -

Court of Criminal Appeal -

Costs assessment
Courtroom technology

For enquiries regarding courtroom technology, including video and phone links usin the Virtual Courtroom 

Executive office
File access requests

NOTE: This address is for the submission of enquiries only regarding invoices, refunds or monies held in the Court's trust account. Credit card payment details should not be emailed to this address.

Listings (civil or criminal)

Use this email only for the following: 

  • Mediation listing requests (where Order for mediation made) / determine available mediation dates.
  • Examination available dates / listing requests.
  • Applications for matters to be restored where liberty to apply has been granted (in the most recent order made). Note if the purpose of the relisting is in respect of non-compliance of orders made then an affidavit setting out the details of the default and steps taken to remedy the breach, what proposed orders are being sought is to accompany the listing request.
  • For matters in the Admiralty, Commercial, Commercial Arbitration, Corporations, Defamation, Real Property, Revenue or Technology and Constructions Lists - any request to restore or relist matter is to be directed to the Chambers (via Associate) of the List Judge. Additionally, where a Judge has specifically indicated that such approach should be made directly to that Judge via their Associate, then an email to civil listings is incorrect and again should be directed to that Judge via Chambers.
  • Common Law - available hearing dates where leave has been given to approach and list the matter for a hearing. The listing will only be confirmed once all parties have given their consent that the date is suitable.
  • Enquiries relating to Supreme Court Criminal proceedings.
  • Requests to appear via AVL in the Common Law and Equity Registrar directions list are to be emailed by 12pm working day prior to the listing. For transparency purposes, all parties are to be included in your correspondence when requesting to appear via AVL using the "Application for appearance via AVL – Registrar ONLY- external sitelaunch" form.

The Listing email address is unable to assist with requests to appear via AVL before the Registrar in Court of Appeal, Court of Criminal Appeal, Bails or Return of Subpoenas. Any requests of this nature are to be directed to the relevant email address listed above.

The Listing email address is unable to assist with the lodgement of documents. Any documents submitted for filing are to be sent to

I​n all communications with listings, all active parties in the proceedings are to be copied into the email / correspondence.

Any requests to change a return date of an initiating (originating) or interlocutory process filed recently or any enquiry seeking to know what the first / next listing date will be when an initiating (originating) or interlocutory process is filed are to be directed to

Any requests for a Show Cause listing specifically to prevent dismissal under UCPR 12.8(7) in a Possession List case should be directed to 

(NOTE: no other correspondence will be dealt with through that email address).


Probate (general enquiries or uncontested cases) or

Probate & Family Provision List Registrar

NOTE: Use this email only to contact the List Registrar for matters in the Probate & Family Provision Lists. This email may be used to exercise liberty to apply or restore, seek leave to file certain Notices of Motion and to send consent orders for matters in the List.

General enquiries about probate or contact with the Court about uncontested probate matters should be sent to or

Subpoena access & uplift requests
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