Supreme Court of New South Wales

Air Bags Class Actions


Parties & proceedings numbers:

  • 2017/340824: Haselhurst v Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Ltd ('the TOYOTA proceedings').
  • 2017/353017: Whisson v Subaru (Aust) Pty Ltd ('The SUBARU proceedings')  
  • 2017/378526: Kularathne v Honda Australia Pty Ltd ('The HONDA proceedings')
  • 2018/9555: Brewster v BMW Australia Ltd ('The BMW proceedings')          
  • 2018/9565: Jaydan Bond v Nissan Motor Company Australia Pty Ltd ('The NISSAN proceedings')
  • 2018/42244: Coates v Mazda Australia Pty Ltd ('The MAZDA proceedings')
  • 2018/322648: Philip Dwyer v Volkswagen Group Australia Pty Ltd trading as Volkswagen Australia ('The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings')
Statement of Claim (The TOYOTA proceedings)
Further Amended Statement of Claim (The TOYOTA proceedings)
Short Minutes of Order (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​Short Minutes of Order (The MAZDA proceedings)
​Orders (The HONDA proceedings)
Confidentiality Orders (The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
Orders (The HONDA proceedings)
Orders (The MAZDA proceedings)
​Orders (The NISSAN proceedings)
Orders (The BMW proceedings)
Orders (The BMW proceedings)
Orders (The SUBARU proceedings)
Orders (The MAZDA proceedings)
Judgment (ALL proceedings)
​​​Consent Opt Out Orders (The BMW proceedings)
​​​Consent Opt Out Orders (The MAZDA proceedings)
Consent Opt Out Orders (The SUBARU proceedings
​​Consent Opt Out Orders (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​​​Consent Opt Out Orders (The HONDA proceedings)
​​​Consent Opt Out Orders (The NISSAN proceedings)
Consent Opt Out Orders (The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings)
​Notice (The SUBARU proceedings)
​Questionnaire (The SUBARU proceedings)
​Notice (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​Questionnaire (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​Order (The BMW Proceedings)
Order (HONDA Proceedings)
Consent Orders (The TOYOTA Proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings)
Order (ALL Proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
Order (Volkswagen proceedings)
Order (Volkswagen proceedings)​
​Order (Volkswagen proceedings)
Order (ALL proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
Order (ALL proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
​Judgment Summary (VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
​​Judgment (VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
Order (ALL proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
​​Order (ALL proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
​Judgment (VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
​Final Orders (VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
​Judgment (all proceedings EXCEPT the Volkswagen proceedings) 
Order  (all proceedings EXCEPT the Volkswagen proceedings)
Order (Nissan proceedings ONLY)
​Order (Mazda Proceedings)
​Order (BMW Proceedings)
Order (Honda Proceedings)
Order (Subaru Proceedings) ​10/09/21
​Order (Toyota Proceedings)
​Notice of Proposed Settlement (all proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
ATGM Notice (Toyota proceedings ONLY)
Order (BMW Proceedings Only)
​​Order (Mazda Proceedings Only)
​​Order (Honda Proceedings Only)
​​Order (Nissan Proceedings Only)
​​Order (Subaru Proceedings Only)
​​Order (Toyota Proceedings Only)
​Orders (All Proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)
​Judgment (All Proceedings EXCEPT Volkswagen)

Plaintiffs Proceedings​

Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (The TOYOTA proceedings)
Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (The SUBARU proceedings)
​Further Amended Statement of Claim (The NISSAN proceedings)
​Further Amended Statement of Claim (The MAZDA proceedings)
Further Amended Statement of Claim (The BMW proceedings)
Further Amended Statement of Claim (The HONDA proceedings)
Statement of Claim (The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)


​Defence to Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​Defence to Second Further Amended Statement of Claim (The SUBARU proceedings)
Defence to Further Amended Statement of Claim (The NISSAN proceedings)
  04​ ​Defence to Further Amended Statement of Claim (The MAZDA proceedings)
Defence to Further Amended Statement of Claim (The BMW proceedings)
​Defence to Further Amended Statement of Claim (The HONDA proceedings)
​Defence to Statement of Claim (The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)


​Reply (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​​Reply (The SUBARU proceedings)
​​Reply (The NISSAN proceedings)
​​Reply (The MAZDA proceedings)
​​Reply (The BMW proceedings)
​​Reply (The HONDA proceedings)

Opt Out Notices

​​Opt Out Notice (The BMW proceedings)

​​Opt Out Notice (The HONDA proceedings)
​​Opt Out Notice (The MAZDA proceedings)

Opt Out Notice (The NISSAN proceedings)

​​Opt Out Notice (The SUBARU proceedings)

​​Opt Out Notice (The TOYOTA proceedings)
​Opt Out Notice (The VOLKSWAGEN proceedings)
Last updated:

07 Sep 2023

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